About Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry Studio

Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry Studio 爆炸毛頭與油炸朱利工作室
主宰の洪佩琦(ホン・ペギー)と曹婷婷(ツァオ・ティンティン)によって、2005年に台湾で創立したBMFJ は、現代アートと一般の人々との間で対話を促すメタルクラフト専門のスタジオ。装身具、オブジェクト、家具といった生活工芸をベースに、国内外のアーティストと共に、これまでも多くの企画展やイベントなどを手がけてきた。
Established in 2005, Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry is a team building bridges between mass society and contemporary metalsmithing and design.
During the time of establishment, there were debates around the traditional craftsmanship and the contemporary arts concerning metalworking and design in Taiwan. Yet, whether craftsmanship centralism or idea orientation, both notions contributed to the rich soil where metalworking and design now grew and bloomed. The best partners Peggy Hung (洪佩琦) and Ting-Ting Tsao (曹婷婷) believe that the attractiveness and all kinds of possibilities of metal design could be seen through work of arts of living, like furnishings and accessories, thus established their workshop in 2005--Bomb Metal and Fry Jewelry.
Services: metal crafting / jewelry / home accessory / exhibition / workshop